Make an attempt to find the word hidden behind the underscores in the middle of the screen by selecting the letters you believe will be found in this word.
Whenever you select a letter which is correct, all instances of that letter will be shown in the word and the letter’s button will be highlighted in green.
Whenever you select a letter which is incorrect, the letter’s button will be highlighted in red.
Once you have selected 7 incorrect letters, the game is over and you will no longer be able to save the beautiful girl.
Make sure this does not happen!
Enjoy the game!
The Hangman app uses an extensive library of over 7.300 words out of which a random selection is made. This way you can enjoy the game for a long time without being able to predict what words will appear.
We can currently offer this app to Android users only. We might offer an iOS download as well in the future, however there are no plans for this at the moment.
This game has been developed with the explicit intent to include nice graphics & a subject which is actually worth saving! We hope you enjoy the experience.