InHere site launched today!

Yes, that's right, this date marks the completion of the InHere website. As you can read in the About section, this website was made primarily to showcase my web development skills, rather than promote my music. The music you find on this site was all made by me though, it is not made up, but that was a long time ago and I have no wish to promote it. Even though that is the case, I will add some news items like this one over the coming days & weeks which will be topical, just to have some content on this site.

In this first post though, I want to briefly touch on the technologies and techniques used to make this site. This site is made with WordPress. I produced and implemented my own theme, and made some custom post types and advanced custom fields. The audio player in the discography section was added by using a plugin, and I customized the styling to fit my theme. It is still quite basic, but enough to practice these concepts. I will be adding some additional functionality later in the year.

The front-end is produced with the help of a bit of Bootstrap (just for the layout functionality really) and Sass. I used Gulp to automate the front-end process, as I do for each project. All designs were prepared in Photoshop and Illustrator. And yes, I might have overused the gradient quite a bit, but I surely had fun implementing it in some lesser obvious ways. It does allow you to learn new things that way, at least for me it does.

So there you have it, some information on the technical side of the website. I will be adding some more news items in the near future. If you have any questions of just want to say hi, head over to the contact section and leave me a message. If you want to take a listen, please don't let me stop you, music is there to be enjoyed!